
This page contains the information to ingest your data from Elasticsearch.


  • Elasticsearch Local Install or Cloud Service

  • Index Name

  • Username and Password for Elasticsearch access (if required)

  • Cloud ID (if using Elastic Cloud)

  • API Key and API Key ID for authentication (if required)

For more information, please refer to Elasticsearch documentation.

Step-by-Step Guide

Source Connector Elasticsearch
  1. Access the Create Source Page. Navigate to the “Sources” section on the left sidebar and click the “New Source” button.

  2. Select Source Type. Select Elasticsearch from the Type dropdown menu.

  3. Configure Source Details to connect to Elasticsearch

  • Name (required): Enter a unique name for the Elasticsearch source connector.

  • URL (required): Specify the Elasticsearch cluster URL.

  • Batch Size (required): Set the number of records the platform will process in a single batch.

  • Index Name (required): Provide the name of the index in the Elasticsearch cluster.

  • Username: Input the username for the Elasticsearch cluster if authentication is enabled.

  • Password: Enter the password associated with the username for the Elasticsearch cluster.

  • Cloud ID: If using Elastic Cloud, specify the Cloud ID.

  • API Key: Provide the API Key for authentication if this method is used.

  • API Key ID: Enter the ID associated with the API Key if needed.

  • Bearer Auth: Specify if bearer authentication is used (leave blank if not applicable).

  • CA Certs: Include the CA Certificates for SSL connection if required.

  • SSL Assert Fingerprint: Provide the SSL fingerprint for secure connection if necessary.

  1. Submit. After filling in the necessary information, click ‘Submit’ to create the Source Connector. The newly completed Elasticsearch connector will be listed on the Sources dashboard.